We are happy to invite you to join the CAA-GR Board via a 6th position focused on “Social Media, Communications and Outreach”. We remind that the duties of this post include all elements of the branding and marketing of CAA-GR. The person undertaking those duties will
- be expected to develop the strategies for communicating with different stakeholders, including the academic community, industry, agencies, Government, university leaders, and the wider public
- be the administrator of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media CAA-GR pages, while being in charge of constantly updating the CAA-GR website as instructed by the Board members and according to decisions taken in SC meetings and AGMs
- lead the web and social media strategies
Eligible candidates are CAA-GR members who have exhibited participation at the CAA international conferences and the CAA-GR conferences in the last 7 years.
The elections will be conducted with electronic voting.
Important Dates
Candidacy submission opens: Monday, 21 January 2019
Deadline for candidates: Friday, 8 February 2019
e-Vote start: Monday, 18 February 2019
e-Vote end: Tuesday, 1 March 2019
Announcement of results: Monday, 4 March 2019.
Submission of candidacy: Eligible candidates should notify the current members of the CAA-GR Board for their willingness to stand for election by sending an email to the secretary of the Board (secretary@gr.caa-international.org) by the 8th of February 2019. In their email, the candidates should include a 2-page CV and a photograph.