ARIADNEplus project
The ARIADNEplus project invites researchers to apply to participate in individual training visits to carry forwards their own research. These opportunities are offered as part of ARIADNE’s Transnational Access (TNA) activities and calls for for applications will be opened every six months.
The 2019 call for applications is now open (closing date: Friday 12th October 2019).
We welcome applications from individuals with a scientific interest and ability to benefit from training in archaeological research data management. Click here for information about how to apply.
Sponsorship is available up to 700 euros per participant (to cover the cost of travel and accommodation) plus a tuition fee waiver. Bursaries are awarded on a competitive basis, according to the procedure described in the application pack and eligibility criteria below, and based upon the quality of the applicant, their proposed project, and their personal statement.