CAA-GR 2020 Sessions – “Greece, Cyprus, Turkey”
9, 16, 23, 30 Oct. 2020
Current Status and the Future of Digital Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean

The Greek Chapter of the Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA-GR) cordially invites you to attend a series of weekly online roundtable sessions (1 ½ hours duration each) that will run during October 2020. The invited speakers and the participants will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences on digital archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and will envision future directions. A strong focal point in these discussions will be on how the digital practice can cross boundaries and facilitate international collaboration. The intention is to establish a cross-border collegial environment where scholars share their experiences, highlight problems and offer potential solutions, knowledge transfer and know-how.
In the first week, colleagues residing in Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey will offer their experience and discuss issues, such as the level of digital scholarship in educational institutes, challenges in adopting digital curricula, managerial problems in digital projects and how they tackle them.
In the second week, colleagues from foreign archaeological missions will share their experience in conducting or managing digital archaeology projects in an Eastern Mediterranean country, focusing on aspects of digital archaeology that might have eased the integration to host countries respectively or created a new and unforeseeable set of problems.
In the third week, scholars who are/were in the state sector will take the floor and talk about the impact of digital transformation and how states evaluate archaeological projects. National policies concerning digital archaeology or presentation of large-scale archaeological projects are at focus in this meeting. Furthermore, participants will contribute their experience on how and why state archaeological services and departments adopt some digital tools and reject others.
In the fourth week, a scholar of digital archaeology will provide a synthesis on the previous weeks’ discussions. The participants will be able to share their opinions on how digital archaeology will/should be in the future in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The CAA-GR 2020 online sessions event will use the GoToMeeting technology. The links for the sessions will be provided to registered participants only.
Pre-registration is required. The registration is now open. Please use this form to register to the event and become a member of CAA-GR with no obligation on your behalf.
Organizing Committee
Athos Agapiou, Cyprus University of Technology
Markos Katsianis, University of Patras
George Pavlidis, Athena-Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies
Dorina Moullou, Ephorate of Antiquities of East Attica / Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
Tuna Kalayci, Leiden University
Stella Sylaiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The link will be shared to the registered participants only
Event Program
Week 1. Research and Innovation, 9 October 2020
Time: 18:00 EEST (Athens Time Zone)
- Opening (5 mins)
- Part 1: Presentations (45 minutes)
- Despoina Tsiafaki, Athena Research Center, Greece
- Phaedon C. Kyriakidis, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
- Pinar Özgüner Gülhan, Gaziantep University, Turkey
- Part 2: Roundtable (20 minutes)
- Part 3: Q&A for the audience (20 minutes)
Week 2. Foreign Missions and Projects, 16 October 2020
- Opening (5 mins)
- Part 1: Presentations (45 minutes)
- Colin Wallace, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Gabriele Koiner, University of Graz, Austria
- Jan Köster, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Germany
- Part 2: Roundtable (20 minutes)
- Part 3: Q&A for the audience (20 minutes)
Week 3. National Policies and Directives, 23 October 2020
Time: 18:00 EEST (Athens Time Zone)
- Opening (5 mins)
- Part 1: Presentations (45 minutes)
- Evgenia Gerousi-Bendermacher, Director, National Archive of Monuments, Greece
- Despo Pilides, Department of Antiquities, Cyprus
- Nurdan Atalan Çayırezmez, British Institute at Ankara (BIAA) Turkey
- Part 2: Roundtable (20 minutes)
- Part 3: Q&A for the audience (20 minutes)
Week 4. Synthesis, 30 October 2020
Time: 18:00 EEST (Athens Time Zone)
- Opening (5 mins)
- Part 1: Presentation (30 minutes)
- Emeri Farinetti, Department of Humanities, Roma Tre University
- Part 2: Open floor (45 minutes)