CAA International Conference 2021 Cyprus

Call for Papers

The CAA2021 call for papers is now open. You are invited to submit an abstract for a paper or poster on any aspect of computer applications or quantitative methods in archaeology. Abstracts for papers should be submitted to a specific session. A list of accepted sessions can be found at: Each session will follow one of the following formats:

  1. Standard – with a series of formal papers (normally 10 – 20 minutes in length + time for questions) addressing a theme presented in advance by the organisers;
  1. Round Table – with a pre-conference position paper published by the organisers, followed by an invitation for researchers to submit a response in advance or to participate in open-forum discussion at the session;
  1. Other – with the format decided by the organisers, exploring innovative and creative ways for participants to engage with the session.

More details can be found here:

Key Dates here: