
The Constitution of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology – Greek Chapter

Ι. The full title of the organisation is “Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology – Greece”. This may be abbreviated to “CAA-GR”, or “CAA Greece”

ΙΙ. The aims of the organisation are:

  1. to bring together archaeologists with experts from a variety of disciplines in the field of social sciences, life sciences, engineering and arts actively involved in computer applications in the cultural domain, heritage, conservators, mathematicians and computer scientists;
  2. to encourage communication between these disciplines;
  3. to give a survey of present work in the field;
  4. to stimulate discussion and future progress;
  5. to provide guidance and support in the form of seminars and/or workshops;
  6. to disseminate the results presented in the meetings of CAA-GR;
  7. to support relevant research in the above fields in the wider region of eastern Mediterranean.

III. Membership

  1. Membership of CAA-GR shall be open to any expert of the fields listed at point No.1 without payment. Acceptance of a candidate is decided upon by the CAA-GR Board.
  2. Membership of CAA-GR does not include a free membership of the international CAA ( Members who want to attend the annual conference of the international CAA have to become members of that organisation according to [article 3] of the constitution of the CAA international.
  3. Members are entitled to the following:
    1. keep their name and address on the mailing list held by the representatives of the CAA Greece;
    2. receive a copy of all mailings;
    3. vote at the general meetings (GM) of CAA-GR, including electronic voting;
    4. be eligible candidates for the board.

IV. The Board of CAA-GR

  1. CAA-GR shall be administered by six Board members.
  2. The Board will be elected after each CAA-GR general meeting.
  3. One of the Board members of CAA-GR will be designated, by the other members of the Board, as the representative of the national chapter to CAA international (ex-officio member of the steering committee of the international CAA [article 4.ix]). In the case that the designated representative of CAA GR is not able to attend an international CAA conference, another Board member may be chosen by the Board to represent CAA GR at the Steering Committee of that conference.
  4. The Board members – to the best of their ability – should pursue participation in the international CAA conferences during their term
  5. The task of the Board is:
    1. to meet at least once a year during the international annual conference or at any other place convenient to the board’s members;
    2. to ensure, to the best of their ability, that a national conference does take place every two – three years;
    3. to arrange to the best of their ability, a peer-reviewed publication of selected papers given at these conferences.

V. General Meeting

  1. The General Meeting is held at the end of each national conference. If it is not possible to hold the GM during the scheduled conference, then the Board shall call a GM as quickly as is compatible with the required period of notice to members.
  2. Notice of a General Meeting, together with the formal proposals for discussion and, in particular, any changes to the Constitution, must be posted at at least 21 days before the date of the meeting.
  3. Normally the General Meeting (GM) shall be held at the national conference. Attendance at the GM shall be open to all CAA-GR members, whether or not they are attending the conference.
  4. The election of the Board shall take place at the GM, normally by show of hands. The Board for CAA GR has the right to opt for electronic voting whenever this is deemed appropriate. All nominations must be submitted to the present Board members at least 10 days beforehand and the willingness of the candidate to stand must be demonstrated. Eligible candidates are members who have exhibited participation at the CAA international conferences and the CAA-GR conferences in the last 7 years. In particular, eligible members for the position of the chair and deputy chair need to have exhibited participation at the CAA International conferences in the last 5 years.
    CAA GR is an open organisation led by the research community and aims to encourage as many qualified candidates as possible to serve as CAA GR Board members. In this respect, Board members can be re-elected only once for the same position in the Board. Each term in the Board will last for 3 years. Members of the Board that have already spent two terms at any position of the Board will not be eligible candidates for any other position of the Board, except after a period of 6 years. The Board can invite eligible members who have served in the past to re-apply under exceptional circumstances and in case there are no eligible candidates for a given position.

VI. CAA-GR Constitution

  1. This Constitution is based on the statutory meeting of CAA-GR on 27th March 2012 with the universal approval of all present.
  2. No member of CAA Greece shall support to act or make representation on behalf of the organisation without the prior agreement of the convenors.
  3. Αny changes to this constitution must be approved by a 75% majority of votes at a GM or e-voting session. Such changes shall not take effect until they have been announced at the GM and/or at the CAA-GR website.

Latest revision, Limassol, 20 June 2018.