CAA-GR 2021 SESSIONS (Spring Edition) – “Open Digital Archaeological Content in the Connected World: Curation and Stewardship”
April, 16th 2021
“Open Digital Archaeological Content in the Connected World: Curation and Stewardship”

The Greek Chapter of the Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA-GR) in collaboration with the ARIADNEplus consortium (Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe – plus), the SEADDA network (Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age) and the CARARE association (Connecting Archaeology and Architecture in Europe), cordially invites you to attend an online roundtable session on Open Archaeological content curation and stewardship.
The event builds on the outcomes of last year’s CAA-GR October sessions on the “Current Status and the Future of Digital Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean”. A recurring theme that emerged during these discussions has been the overall management of digital archaeological content.
The online roundtable session will extent this discussion, addressing issues related to the accessibility of digital archaeological content, and the effort required by heritage professionals and researchers to manage, structure, secure over the long term so as to make heritage digital assets available to the wider community at both local and international levels.
The invited speakers will have the opportunity to share their own experience on archaeological data stewardship and the Open Science strategy. They will further describe the current landscape of policies and best practices towards digital content curation and showcase ongoing international research on archaeological data archiving, dissemination and reuse through the gradual integration of separate institutional and national archaeological data repositories and into larger content aggregators at the European and global level.
As archaeologists and heritage professionals are increasingly becoming digital data producers and users, the theme of digital curation is relevant to daily practices with respect to sustainable, transparent, open and reusable resources in the connected world. The intention is to highlight problems and present potential solutions, set up know-how transfer networks and facilitate transnational collaborative activities to address digital obsolescence. The presentations will be followed by a roundtable discussion, including a Q&A for the audience.
Take a look at the full announcement.
The CAA-GR 2021 online sessions (Spring edition) event will use the GoToMeeting technology. The links for the sessions will be provided to registered participants only.
Registration is required and it is free.
Registration is now open. Please use this form to register to the event and become a member of CAA-GR with no obligation on your behalf.
Organizing Committee
Athos Agapiou, Cyprus University of Technology
Markos Katsianis, University of Patras
George Pavlidis, Athena-Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies
Dorina Moullou, Ephorate of Antiquities of East Attica / Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
Tuna Kalayci, Leiden University
Stella Sylaiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The link will be shared to the registered participants only
Event Program
April, 16th 2021, 18:00 EEST (Athens Time Zone)
- Opening (5 mins)
- Part 1: Presentations (60 minutes)
- Agiatis Benardou, Digital Curation Unit, ATHENA R.C. and AUEB, Greece
- Holly Wright, Archaeology Data Service, University of York, UK
- Kate Fernie, 2Culture Associates, UK and CARARE, Ireland
- Part 2: Roundtable with Q&A for the audience (40 minutes)