According to the CAA-GR constitution members of the CAA-GR Steering Committee are elected for a 3-year term with the right to be re-elected for a second term. Thus, 2024 is a year for elections at CAA-GR. Thee (3) of the current Board members, George Pavlidis, Deputy Chair, Dorina Moullou, Publication Officer, and Stella Sylaiou, responsible for the Social Media, Communications and Outreach, are stepping down, as they are completing their second 3-year term. All Steering Committee positions will be open to interested eligible candidates. According to the provisions of article III.3.c, electronic voting can be used and is the choice of the current Steering Committee for this election, to ensure a more accessible and inclusive process.
In this respect the current CAA-GR Steering Committee is launching the election procedure for new Board members. All eligible candidates (according to articles III.3.d, IV.2, V.4) are invited to apply for any Board position. The elections will be conducted with electronic voting through the Zeus Digital Voting system. Candidacies must be submitted (according to article V.4) to the present Board members at least 10 days before the published election date, through the dedicated form, by indicating the position of the Steering Committee, at which they would like to be elected and uploading a 1/2-page CV as well as a photograph.
All information on eligible candidates will be made accessible to CAA-GR members via the CAA-GR channels.
1. Important Dates
- Candidacy form open: 15 May 2024
- Deadline for candidates: 31 May 2024
- e-Vote start: Monday, 1 June 2024
- e-Vote end: Friday, 18 June 2024
- Announcement of results: 21 June 2024 through the CAA-GR media channels.
2. Steering Committee Members Responsibilities – Position Descriptions
All board members act as representatives of the CAA-GR community in CAA International conference meetings and activities. They are expected to attend the CAA-GR and CAA-Int conferences to the best of their ability and work in connection with the relevant CAA-Int committees to actively promote the CAA-Int policies.
The primary role of the Chairperson is to provide coordination for the group. They must be dynamic, strategic and willing to commit a not insubstantial effort to the building of the community over the duration of their tenure. The Chair is responsible for making sure that each scientific meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner. The CAA-GR Chair will need to attend most frequently the CAA-International conferences and provide information about the activities of CAA-GR.
Deputy Chair
The deputy chair works with the chairperson to ensure that each scientific meeting and other activities (e.g. seminars, events) proceed smoothly. S/he must be willing and able to take up a high profile role assuming duties of the chairperson when the latter is unavailable. Such duties will be decided on a case by case basis by all members of the Board. The vice-chair works in close collaboration with the relevant organising committees to oversee, report and communicate with different stakeholders, (including the academic community, industry, agencies, Government, university leaders, and the wider public) the preparation of conferences and other events in which the CAA-GR is directly involved.
The Secretary must ensure that the CAA-GR operation is fully and properly recorded. Specifically, this means that the Secretary must arrange, prepare agendas for, and record the minutes of each scientific meeting. They must ensure that messages are communicated effectively between the board, the Scientific Committees, the members of CAA-GR and the broader community. The secretary is also in charge of any matters related to members and membership.
Publications officer
The Publications Officer is charged with the management of the CAA-GR official publication strategy. Each Scientific Meeting should have a person in charge of the publication of the proceedings. The Publications Officer will oversee this process ensuring that any printed and/or digital outputs comply with CAA-GR and CAA-Int. standards in the field and follows open-access policies for research outputs. In this capacity, the Publications Officer will also develop a strategy for, and implement the dissemination of the papers and presentations of the event, through sourcing and coordination of peer reviewers, liaison with web editors/ publishers etc. S/he will also ensure the proper editing of the proceedings of a Scientific Meeting in collaboration with the person in charge from the SM Organising Committee.
The Treasurer oversees the financial administration of the organisation, reviews procedures and financial reporting, and advises the board and conference organisers on financial strategy and fundraising. The Treasurer should also keep up-to-date records as well as an audit trail for all transactions, protect the organisation against fraud and theft, ensure safe custody of money and prompt banking, and make sure the CAA-GR board members understand their financial obligations and that the organisation complies with any tax regulations. Internal processes and reporting methods should be reviewed at least annually.
Social Media, Communications and Outreach
The person undertaking those duties will (a) be expected to develop the strategies for communicating with different stakeholders, including the academic community, industry, agencies, Government, university leaders, and the wider public; (b) be the administrator of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media CAA-GR pages, while being in charge of constantly updating the CAA-GR website as instructed by the Board members and according to decisions taken in SC meetings and AGMs; (c) lead the web and social media strategies.